The Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2 has been one of the top-rated models for years. Parents love its ability to tackle any terrain, quick compact one-hand fold, and lightweight.
The deep recline and travel system option allows you to use it from birth and up to 65 lbs. If you don’t care about the reversible seat, this easily could be your ONLY stroller.
The maneuverability on the GT is FANTASTIC, even better than on a regular model. The forever-air tires together with all-wheel suspension make it very easy to push. It is truly a one-hand stroller!
Now, many people think that because it has three wheels and is made by Baby Jogger it can be used for jogging. This is NOT a jogging stroller.
This is an everyday stroller that is great for running errands or power walking in the park. It will handle tougher terrain like grass, gravel, or mulch, much better than a regular model. When folded, it is very compact and will fit in the smallest trunk. The double version is also available.
This version has a few great updates like adjustable leg rest, sporty-looking canopy, and all-wheel suspension.
I gave it 5 out of 5 stars because I absolutely love the huge canopy, roomy seat, adjustable handlebar, and the easiest fold in the world.
The only change I would suggest is making the basket larger and easier to access. The City Mini GT 2 can be purchased for about $399.
Buy Baby Jogger City Mini GT 2 Stroller »
This is one of my favorite canopies. It is GIANTNORMAS! It has three panels and two peekaboo windows. Your child will always have great sun protection. A good-sized canopy was on top of my list of features when I was choosing a stroller.
The only thing I don’t like is that peekaboo windows have a noisy Velcro closure. I wish it had a magnetic closure instead like they have on the City Elite model.

There are a lot of complaints from parents about City Mini not having an adjustable handlebar. Well, the GT model does. It goes from 30″ up to 42″ from the ground.
Tip: To avoid tipping the stroller backward, hang your diaper bag on the frame using stroller hooks. You can also use it to hang your water bottle or shopping bags.

The seat is a little larger than on the City Mini model and has more padding. It is 14″ wide and 26″ high from the back of the seat to the top of the canopy. You can fit a very tall child in it. It is also a very deep seat with 10″ from the back of the seat to where the knees bend. The leg drop is 11″ high.

The seat has an infinite one-hand recline operated by a strap system. To recline the seat, you need to pull the clip attached to the strap, and the seat will go down and stop where you stop. To bring the seat back, you will need both hands.
It goes down to nearly a flat position. You can put a baby into the stroller starting from 6 months. It is not recommended for a newborn.

Once you recline the seat, you can see a large mesh window in the back which allows for better air circulation to keep your child cool on a hot summer day. If the weather gets cold, you can cover it with a material attached above the mesh.
It has a 5-point adjustable padded harness. It attaches to the back of the seat with small clips, so there is no need to re-thread the straps for a taller child. Very convenient. The buckle is a little tricky for a toddler, but a three-year-old will be able to unlock it.

The adjustable legrest was a pleasant surprise. None of the previous GT models had it. It has two positions: up and down.

There is a large mesh storage pocket in the back of the seat that is very handy especially since there is no parent console included. You can store little things in there like your keys, cell phone, shades, and valet.
For even more storage I would recommend getting a universal stroller organizer. That way you can take not only your coffee cup, but also a LOT of stuff including keys, phone, water, wallet, snacks, diapers, toys, and more. The amount of stuff it can fit is unbelievable.

This basket is just OK. In the latest model, they curved the crossbar making it more accessible, but it still takes a lot of effort to get things in and out. I find it easier to access things from the sides.

These are 8.5″ forever-air tires, that are actually inflated with a lightweight foam instead of air. That means you will NEVER get a flat. These tires are not for jogging, but they will handle all-terrain like grass, playground mulch, or gravel.
Because they are only 8.5″ it makes the stroller lighter and more compact. It is worth mentioning, that all three wheels are the same size.
The back wheels can be easily removed with a push of a button for compact storage. It has a single swivel front wheel that can be locked straight for tougher terrain.
All you need to do is push a gray button and the wheel is locked. Just like a regular model, GT has a front-wheel suspension system that will absorb some of the bumps.

Unlike City Mini which has a foot brake, the GT model has a hand brake that is located on the side of the stroller. You just need to pull it up to lock the stroller in place.
I like the hand brake more because it is flip-flop friendly and won’t leave scratches on your shoes. :). With the hand brake, you can unlock the stroller no matter what shoes you are wearing.

The easy one-hand one-step fold is what sells this stroller. It’s one of the easiest folds I’ve tried! (and I tried a lot of them…). All you need to do is to pull on the strap in the middle of the seat and the stroller will quickly fold.
It has an automatic lock. I’ve also noticed that when the fold is compact, you don’t feel the weight as much. While GT is not a heavy stroller (only 21 lbs), it feels lighter to me when I lift it up.

The City Mini GT can be converted into a travel system with included car seat adapters for the City Go model. It also works with the most popular car seat brands. Check out my list of top 10 best and safest car seats.

You can also turn the City Mini GT 2 into a stylish pram by getting a bassinet.

Comes with adapters for the City Go infant car seat.
-Hard to access basket. They did update the basket, but I am not sure it was an improvement. I wish it was a little easier to access.
Recent Updates
- Canopy design. It has a slightly sportier look now but still features two peekaboo windows with Velcro closures.
- Adjustable leg rest. This is a completely new feature that was available only in the Elite model.
- Updated basket. The previous model had a curved crossbar in the back for easier access. Now they went back to the straight cross bar which gets in the way. I think the basket is its weakest feature.
- All-wheel suspension. It used to have only front-wheel suspension.
- New colors. It’s available in six colors.
Video Review
Here is a video overview from Baby Jogger.
Stroller weight: 21 lbs
Weight limit: 65 lbs
Folded dimensions: 24.5″W x 31.5″L x 10″H
Seat width: 14″
Seat to canopy height: 26″
Handlebar height: 30″ – 41.5″
Wheels: 8.5″ (all three the same size)
Overall length: 44″
Overall width: 24.5″
The Baby Jogger has a lifetime warranty on the frame of the stroller and 1 year on small parts and fabric.
City Mini GT has the same great accessories as the City Mini model. They can be purchased separately.
-Snack tray. This tray has one cup holder and a durable easy-to-clean surface. It is one of the must-have items. To put your child into the stroller, you don’t need to remove the whole tray, because it swings open if you push a button on the side. This tray can be used with City Mini, City Classic, City Elite, and Summit 360 strollers.
-Universal parent console. I wish this item was included. GT has a back pocket that can fit a lot of small items, but having a parent console is more convenient It has one cup holder and two deep separate compartments. A cup holder can fit a large drip. If you have a super large cup or bottle, you can put it into one of the compartments.
-Glider board. This is a cool item if you need to keep your older child occupied. It is a good quality board that will go over uneven retain like cracked pavement, gravel, grass, and hills. Kids absolutely love this little scooter and are much more excited to go for a walk.
-Belly bar. Many parents prefer this soft padded bar over the snack tray because the snack tray sits a little too high. This belly bar can be adjusted to the height of your child and has a removable cover. It is very easy to attach toys to the bar to keep your little one entertained. The stroller can be folded with the bar attached.
Where to buy it
You can get City Mini GT in one of the six beautiful colors for around $399.
If you where to choose between the bob motion stroller (4 wheel) and the baby jogger city mini 2014 which would you decide on? Taking into account – space, ease of movement, travel ability.
I’m torn betwewn the two.
Hi! I was almost set on this stroller until I read another review that it tipped backward VERY easily when baby was lying fully reclined, and this website gave the stroller a 3/10 safety rating! Have you tested it’s backward stability? Love everything about the stroller, but don’t want to risk safety.
Hi. Do you know whether the 2012 and 2013 version are the same? I can only
find the shadow/Carolina blue version online in 2012, and want to make
sure I’m looking at the same thing. Most importantly, can I use the
Britax B-Safe adapters, so I won’t have to use the universal adapter
with the annoying bar that goes across the seat? Thanks!
Hi! Do you know whether there is a difference between the 2013 and 2014 version? On amazon there is a $100 price difference between the two models.
Hi Rebecca. I would probably go with Motion because it has better suspension system (usually found on joggers). Also four wheels are a little more stable than three. But if extra weight is a problem, go with GT because it’s a great stroller too.
Hi Victoria. There is no difference but the color. You can get a great discount if you buy previous year colors.
Hi Sarah. I didn’t have any problems with it tipping backwards. Maybe that person fully reclined the seat and hang a heavy diaper bag on the handle bar? The baby was probably very young and didn’t weigh much. This is a very lighweight stroller that could tip back if you have a lot of stuff hanging off the handle bar with nothing in the basket nor the seat.
I already have the city mini GT and love it!! I bought it as a buggy for my first born and am now expecting my second child and am considering using it from birth. I have been trying to find out if you can attach a carseat to the bare frame (without the seat fabric) as I do not like the look of it when it looks like its sat on top of the seat. Do you know if this is possible? I cannot seem to find the answer anywhere.
Hi Hayley. I haven’t tried it myself, but I don’t see why not. The car seat really doesn’t touch the bottom of the seat anyways. To be sure post the question as message on Baby Jogger Facebook page. They answer very quickly.
HI Katrin,
Can you use the City elite wheels on the GT model??
We tried at the store and it worked…
Do you think you can run like 3 miles 3 times a week with this stroller? We like to run but we are not runners, and of course we don´t to buy more than one stroller.
Thanks for your review! I just bought this stroller. I’m having a hard time figuring out which way the straps are suppose to face! should the crotch clasp be against the child or should the padding be against the child with the clasp on top? And same for the shoulder straps, should the baby jogger brand name be facing out or against the child?
Hi Trish. The crotch padding should protect your child from getting scratched by the buckle. The same thing with the shoulder pads.
Can you please share how to fold the bare base of the stroller? We get better use of canopy/cover of car seats and bassinet when using adaptor.
Thank you
Yes, you can use it as a travel system without the seat fabric attached. My sister in law does this currently.
I know this is a late answer but YES this stroller tips back very easily. So easily that I have posted about this issue everywhere I see this stroller mentioned. It is dangerous and it happens even without anything hanging from the handlebars.
The only safe way to use it when you are not holding the handlebar yourself is to prop against a wall with the brake engaged.
Hi, I was wondering the same thing about the wheels? Does anyone know?
Does the footrest recline?
I need help, please. I go on a lot of long walks with gravel and rain but I don’t jog. I prefer compactness but function is most necessary in order to save my wrists from all that pushing on terrain. Our driveway is also gravel, so I would be pushing a stroller through that often which might cause extra ware (?). Would you recommend the Baby Jogger GT or Summit X3?
I haven’t tried single Citi Mini GT yet, but I’m using the double version of this stroller for my twin boys and it’s great, I would recommend it to any parent :) If the double stroller is so easy to steer and fold, the single one must be awesome :)
Can the canopy be used while using the car seat in the adapter?
Hi Katrin,
I am a first time to be Mum and live in Europe . I am torn between the city mini GT and uppababy Cruz! I will be using the stroller regularly (I hope!!!) for the first 8-9 months at which point I will go back to working full time therefore I will be using it for the daily walk to the nursery and back (about an hour’s walk per day) and for weekend walks. Also, we live at a three storey walk up so I will more likely be storing the stroller at my car boot (small European supermini nothing like American SUVs!).
Which one do you think would be a better option? For both, I am considering using a lie flat car seat for the first six months or so and then move on to the stroller seat. I love the looks and reversible seat but I am concerned about the fold, how easy would it be to fold and store it in a small boot daily. Also, I haven’t managed to test it yet but I am concerned that the handlebar will be too high for me as I am 5ft2. As for the city mini gt, I love the easy fold and big wheels but I am scared after reading reports of it tipping, even with nothing hanging off the handlebar.
What’s your opinion? Any other recommendations would also be welcome! I’ve also seen the armadillo flip xt but don’t like the looks as much and I found the fold a bit complicated.
Many thanks!!
Yes it can!
Dear Katrin,
Hello from Brazil,
Im trying to decide between the Maclaren Quest or BJ GT, my child is almost five and 37 pounds, our main use off a stroller is for travel, and speccialy for her rest or slepp during our dinner time.
We travel a lot by plane and use táxi as well, my main concern about the BJ GT is that when folded all the SEAT is totally exposed to the ground and this will make the seat seat too dirty Aldo the stroller handle to the airplane luggage compartment Will be a dirty magnet to the dar SEAT.
With this concern I included the Quest as análises option ,but would Luke to Know How these two compare in term of child confort for ride or sleep in the stroller.
Many thank for your help , by the way today we use a Chicco liteway for travel ( which is great for that) and Also a bugaboo cameleon in our city.
Hi! I found the BJ GT very heavy! I love it because I don´t use a car and i love the really big basket.
If you want it for walks it´s a really great stroller. I live in Lima and i do everything walking, and I have an elevator in my building. I strongly recommend not to have it if you don´t have an elevator or if you want to save space.
We travel a lot so i have a Maclaren for this. I like far more the BJ GT but its very uncomfortable for airports, planes, taxis, etc.
The stroller is very easy to wash so I think if it´s get dirty is not a very big issue
I have this stroller, and am dissapointed. The basket is basically useless, its impossible to get much in or out. And, it tips easily so you can’t attach a diaper bag for the handle. Everything must be carried on your person. Also, I underestimated how much I would prefer to have my baby facing me.
Me again, now considering a stroller for my bigger kids, not babies, so I want to say THE TIPPING ISSUE HAS BEEN FIXED!!!
I don’t know if since late 2016, but any 2017 is fine. I think this is the most compact folding stroller that will push easily with a big heavy kid in it, so it’s great for walks, amusement parks, and shopping.
Which stroller did you end up choosing? I am torn between the GT and the Summit X3 as well.
I am a first time mum to be and I have to decide between BJ city mini GT and Valco baby snap ultra tailor made. I like Valcos denim look and flat lying position for my baby. But my partner prefers the all terrain wheels and the sturdiness of GT. So I would like to hear suggestions. I have seen BJ GT for 360$ in Amazon, but not sure whether it is USD or Australian dollar. Would u recommend to purchase from Amazon and do u know which country’s dollar it is???
Hi Liz. I went with Bumbleride Indie. It’s probably between GT and Summit.
Nice, I ended up going with a Burley. I appreciate your response.
Question. I am expecting baby 2 and have a citi mini GT that I love! I know they make the doubles (side by side and stacked) but I have searched (without any success) to see if I can convert my stroller into a double… Im guessing no, but have not found the definite answer any were… Do you know if this is possible?
Thanks so much!
If you had to choose from the baby jogger city mini Gt 2016 or the Chicco Bravo trio travel system which one would you choose??
Which one would you choose? City mini GT or City tour lux?
Hi Rafael. I think that City Tour Lux might be a better choice since it doesn’t have the tipping problem GT has.
The GT tipping problem appears to be fixed. I tried one out at the store and after reclining the seat all the way, I had my 40lb child sit as far back as he could (so he was sitting where his head should have been). It didn’t tip at all.
Hi Sara. Thanks for letting us know. I think that part of the problem is that parents hang heavy diaper bags off the handle bar and that together with full recline can cause the tipping. Katrin
Hi I have the city mini jogger was wondering if you can add to make it a double stroller. (not just with the standup board. thank you.
I’ve read that a lot of airlines enforce a 20 lbs limit for gate checking a stroller. Do you think the advertised GT2 weight of 20.9 lbs would cut it? Or would it be under 20 with the wheels taken off? If possible, I’m looking for a stroller that could do a decent job in cities, in the woods, AND during air travel, because I do a lot of all three, and the GT2 seems like it may be pretty well-rounded option!
Also, I read that you have to take the canopy off in order to put in an infant car seat. Does this leave a lot of room for your newborn to get wet if its rainy? I do like travel systems where you can keep the canopy on and therefore pull from both directions and get full coverage when its rainy….I live in a rainy city :P
Lastly, are you able to take off the toddler seat while the baby is just big enough for the infant carseat?
You show the gt2 in a bassinet mode, does this mean you can take the original fabric off to add the bassinet? I don’t see that anywhere (with the exception of the Italian Bryson which still didn’t explain it).
I just got the citi mini gt2. am expecting late Feb and have the converter for my car seat. One concern I read is that the seat does not go upright enough for older kids. any thoughts on this? Thank you!